I've been tinkering with art and carrying around a sketchbook for several years now. All I've learned has been self-taught and full of trial and error. Well, people are starting to notice my art. Through friends and family, I've been introduced to a few authors who self-publishing their books.
Today I signed two new contracts with two authors to work on illustrations for their books. I'm excited about both! The first is with Brad Closson again, and we are doing a second book in a series, with the first book about to be published here in April. The second is with a new author named Joy who is a grad student and mother in California. She needs six roughs and one completed by April 7th, and my contract with Brad is up June 1st. Needless to say, I'm gonna be BUSY with illustrations. I wish I could post snippets here, but I won't be able to and won't be able to discuss what they're about, either. Once published, I will add them to my portfolio, though!
I'm not getting paid for either yet as both are dependent upon royalties, but I'm looking toward the future and enjoying using my God-given gift of art. It feels scary to venture out this way, as it's still not familiar to me and I second guess myself much of the time. I take solace in reading the blogs of some of my favorite artists and authors. Here is a great post about how I feel at times: I Drew This Thing!